Manzi, F. & Heilman, M. E. (2020). Breaking the glass ceiling: For one and all? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Get preprint
Manzi, F. (2019). Are the Processes Underlying Discrimination the Same for Women and Men? A Critical Review of Congruity Models of Gender Discrimination. Frontiers in Psychology.
Heilman, M. E., Manzi, F., & Caleo, S. (2019). Updating impressions: The differential effects of new performance information on evaluations of women and men. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
Heilman, M. E., & Manzi, F. (2016). Sex discrimination. In N. Naples (Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of gender and sexuality studies. Wiley-Blackwell.
Heilman, M. E., Manzi, F., & Braun, S. (2015). Presumed incompetent: Perceived lack of fit and gender bias in recruitment and selection. In A. Broadbridge & S. Fielden (Eds.), Handbook of Gendered Careers in management: getting in, getting on, getting out. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Manuscripts under review or in preparation
Zehnter, M., Manzi, F., Shrout, P., & Heilman, M. E. (under review). Sexism shift scale: Defining a new form of contemporary sexism and introducing the belief in sexism shift scale (BSS scale). Preprint and scale available upon request.
Heilman, M. E., & Manzi, F. (invited submission under review). Revisiting Schein’s think manager-think male study. In N. Steffens, F. Rink, & M. Ryan (Eds.), Organizational Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies. Sage.
Manzi, F. (in prep). A change will (not) do you good. The effects of gender stereotypes on the updating of self-perceptions of competence. Preprint available upon request.
Derks, B., Manzi, F., Van Laar, C., Ellemers, N. (in prep). Does it pay to be a Queen Bee? Male preference for women who distance themselves from other women.
Here’s why the glass ceiling may remain intact despite female leadership.
Waarom vrouwen geniepig seksisme over hun kant laten gaan (spoiler: ze verwarren het met vriendelijkheid).
Gender diversity alone is not enough.
Las niñas no creen que pueden ser brillantes como los niños.